Jun 26, 2009
Discus Fish Care
They make great friends and pets; as you will find out, discus fish respond to you and have a social and bonding behavior unparalleled by other breed. When you make discus fish care a hobby, you'll see they react in the most pleasant of ways, watching you moving around the room or even eating out of your hand. Discus fish are considered king of all aquarium tropical fish and rightfully so.
No wonder people love them Keeping discus fish can bring lots of challenges and rewards at the same time too. Discus can be observed watching movement on small screen and they will watch you cross the room. Discus fish are impressively aware of what goes on around them.
Discus fish exhibit unique parental behavior as they bump up their fry (babies) much differently than most tropical fish. Discus is a native of the calm and warm Amazon River. Keeping discus fish requires the pet owner to have the right information about what to expect and what to offer them to make these exotic creatures happy. Discus fish keeps changing their behaviour according to the environmental factors.
Discus fish are some of the most beautiful tropical fish, but keeping them can be challenging. Their environment is extremely important for these reactive fish. There are several key tips you can follow to keep Discus happy and healthy. Tip in caring for Discus fish is to keep a clean tank. These fish are extremely sensitive to disease and Water conditions. Since Discus do not tolerate water quality changes well and a smaller tank is more likely to fluctuate its pH levels, a 40 gallon tank is probably the smallest sized tank for them.
Remember to quarantine new fish before placing them into your tank. A new fish could introduce bacteria, parasites, or disease into the tank. Supply plenty of places in your Tanks for Discus to hide. Remember to include weekly water changes.
Discus fish care is not painstaking at all; on the contrary, it brings immense satisfaction. For instance the family habits you notice during discus fish care moments will stress out the active role the male discus takes in the raising of their fry.
Discus fish care means the water is at a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius at the maximum; if it gets warmer the level of oxygen drops and you'll be confronted to oxygen starvation.Also remember to add dechlorinating water conditioner, as tap water contains chlorine which will harm your fish.
Nutrition The discus fish diet should offer a variety of nutritional foods throughout the week. However Discus fish have small stomaches, so theyonly need a small amount. Over Feeding will lead to sick fish and polluted water. Water Changes Discus Fish like contant water parameters, so a 25% water change at least every week, or every second week at the longest will keep your Discus Fish happy.
For Informasi about Discus Fish, click here!
Discus Fish Care
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