Discus fish will recognize and inter act with you. Discus fish are very aware of what goes on around them. Discus fish will quickly endear themselves to you. Discus fish are considered king of all aquarium tropical fish and rightfully so. Adult discus fish take their time eating, as if to savor the moment. Feeding Discus Fish. The last basic discus fish care tip is feeding your discus. Make sure you feed adult discus once a day and young discus fish three times a day.
Feeding your Discus a varied and nutritious diet – and making sure that the fish actually eat it – is imperative if you want to breed Discus. Poor water quality can cause poor appetite in Discus and must therefore be avoided at all costs.
Live food such as white worms and bloodworms is certainly recommended, but be careful with live food that you do not cultivate yourself since it might introduce disease. You can supplement live food with high quality prepared foods to make sure that your fish receives all necessary vitamins.
Feeding Discus Fish can be a challenge. They have no unique nutritional needs and can be raised on most high-protein fish food. However, their cautious nature and reluctance to adapt to new foods and surroundings creates problems. Feeding Discus Fish. The last basic discus fish care tip is feeding your discus. Make sure you feed adult discus once a day and young discus fish three times a day.
You can always introduce new food at a later time by slowly mixing the new food with for familiar food and thereby weaning them from the old while helping them to grow accustomed to the new diet.
Feed young discus fish, around 5 cm in length, four to five times daily. Growing fish need more nutrients, and will take in less food during each feeding.Add live or frozen food to the diet of the discus fish. In the wild, discus fish sometimes live in areas where food is in short supply.
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