Jan 16, 2010
An Introduction Discus Fish
Discus fish are cichlids, and are territorial. "the other fish in your tank have made their territories, maybe the new ones have no place to make their territory, or are afraid to do so. "change your decor, and add something new for both your new discus fish.
Discus fish are popular with hobbyists because they have distinctive behaviors and are exceptionally beautiful (they also have dorsal and anal fins that blend into the body to give the fish the look of a discus shape). Discus originate from the amazon river basin. The natural habitat can help when creating the ideal fish tank.
Originally the Discus had three colour variations: Green, Brown and Blue. The Discus Fish is by nature a social, yet shy being. Keeping Discus Fish has traditionally been considered to be difficult.
The Discus Fish can be finicky, susceptible to disease and easily stressed if they are not kept under optimal conditions. It is getting easier, though, to keep Discus Fish. Most Discus Fish Keepers will at some stage want to breed them.
The Discus Fish is by nature a social, yet shy being. In their native habitat they live in large groups with advanced social behavoirs. This is important to keep in mind when considering setting up a Discus Fish Tank. Never buy one or two Discus Fish - they need a group of at least 4 - to develop their character to its best through social interaction.
Keeping Discus Fish has traditionally been considered to be difficult. This is due to most of them being bred in captivity, and new technology being made available to help maintain optimal water conditions.Normally discus fish are very serene creatures; they are a bit sensitive to stress and a disturbing environment but most fish are.
Discus Fish Secrets
Introduction Discus Fish
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