Jan 20, 2010

How To Get a Pair Of Discus Fish

Although it is hard to distinguish the sex, during breeding season the male will have a more pointed papillae while the female's is rounded. Males may be larger and some males have a more pointed dorsal fin and thicker lips.

There are two ways to go about obtaining a breeding pair of discus. When two discus pair off they will defend a territory in the aquarium against all of their other tank mates. The second way to obtain a breeding pair is to go out and buy one. Sometimes Brown Discus will form a two-female pair, you should watch each pair to ensure that only one member is depositing eggs.

Once a pair has been formed, they will find a territory which they will defend against intruders. These two should now be placed in a separate aquarium. you could provide them with a vertical surface (such as an overturned flowerpot) on which they could deposit their eggs.

A pair of breeding discus will require a 27 gallon tank at the very least. It would be great if A group of 6-8 Discus fish are raised in the group tank and when they reach about 4 inches in diameter (10 cm) pairs will start to form. Distinguishing male and female Discus fish can be quite difficult, adult males may develop a small lump on their foreheads, but this difference is not always reliable. This increases their chances of forming a pair.

You can buy a proven pair of discus from an importer. the last way to get a breeding pair of discus is to buy two or three young adult discus at around 5in size.

If you require your pair fast for whatever reason the way to go is to get a proven pair from a trusted dealer. Sexing Discus Fish can be difficult so start with a number of potential parents but bear in mind that Discus Fish tend to become a bit territorial when breeding, so it is best to breed a well-established pair, or keep a group of young Discus and allow them to pair themselves.

The male, in turn, has a smaller, sharper breeding tube. It has been said that the male discus fish will tend to have a less intense color and more pattern while the female tends to be more colorful but with lesser pattern.

The Dorsal and Anal Fins become (almost) straight after the fins curve down (or up) toward the Caudal Fin...The key to sexing the fish is where the lines cross the Caudal fin.. If they pass through the Caudal Fin, the fish is most likely a female.


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